DOG 2024 (English)

Highlights in Translational Science

Basic research plays a crucial role in ophthalmology, as all scientific knowledge is based on its results. The Thursday of the congress will be dedicated all day to basic research.


EBOD Course at the DOG 2024

The European Board of Ophthalmology offers a full-day EBOD Preparation Workshop on Thursday, 10 October 2024.


Keynote Lectures

Among the undisputed highlights at DOG 2024 in Berlin are the Keynote Lectures. Three highly ranking experts will dedicate their 30-minute talks to topics of importance not only to ophthalmology but to medicine and society in general.


International Experts Day

The International Expert Day offers a high-grade English-language program. This interactive update format will feature leading experts from around the world presenting current developments in their fields of expertise. 



From 10:30 pm the casual part of the social evening starts. Look forward to cool drinks and a midnight snack.


Social Evening

Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome to one of the most extra ordinary venues in Berlin. We look forward to welcoming you to the social evening at the Tipi am Kanzleramt.


Aurel-von-Szily Lecture 2024: Ocular Behcet Disease: Quo vadis?

This year’s Aurel von Szily Medal will be awarded to Professor Ilknur Tugal-Tutkun at the Symposium Everything in flux? Emerging concepts on retinal vasculitis.
