DOG 2024 (English)

DOG 2024 – FAQ

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions here.

General questions

When will the DOG 2024 take place?

DOG 2024 will take place from from 10 to 13 October 2024 in the Estrel Hotel Berlin.

Is Attendance only possible for members of the DOG?

Participation is not restricted to DOG members; however, DOG members are eligible for special conditions.. Information on membership can be found here.

Image and sound recordings

The recording of images and sound is strictly prohibited. Press photos must be expressly approved by our DOG press office ( before use.

Is it possible to display flyers?

No, but you are welcome to use our bulletin board to post a copy of your flyers.

Is it possible to rate sessions and presentations?

Yes, please feel free to use our session and presentation rating in the DOG 2023 app.


How can I register for the DOG 2024?

Scientific Program

Compulsory Attendance

The primary authors of posters and lectures are obliged to attend the respective sessions. However, in exceptional cases, the first author may be substituted by one of the co-authors. In such cases, it is necessary to notify the DOG office accordingly. Failure to hang a poster without permission, absence from a poster session without permission, failure to attend a lecture, or failure to fulfill other important obligations within the scientific program without permission may result in the DOG reserving the right to reject submissions from the individual for the next congress.

DOG on Demand

DOG on Demand is an internet portal that houses lectures and scientific contributions presented at the DOG congress, accessible to attendees at any time. Attendees can access presentation slides and original sound recordings, encompassing all congress contributions with author approval. Speakers must grant permission for their presentations to be included in DOG on Demand during the submission process, at the latest during the media check. It is possible to exclude specific elements, such as slides or tables, from appearing in DOG on Demand. The DOG expresses gratitude to all speakers who consent to including their presentations in DOG on Demand. Access to the portal is free of charge for DOG 2022 attendees, conveniently located adjacent to the DOG Lounge.

FEBO Courses

The European Board of Ophthalmology offers a full-day EBOD Preparation Workshop. International experts will discuss EBOD-related topics and questions of the previous EBOD exams will be shared with the audience. In addition, attendees will have the opportunity to learn important organizational details regarding the format of the exam. The FEBO Course will take place on thursday, 10 October 2024.

Will there be courses at DOG 2024?

A wide range of courses are available. These require a separate registration, additional fees apply. Detailed information will be published here soon.

Social Program

EyeRun 2024: Laufen für die Stiftung Auge*
Start: Estrel, Ziegrastraße, Tor 1

DOG in Concert: Benefit concert for the Foundation Auge**
Musikinstrumenten-Museum Berlin
Ben-Gurion-Straße, 10785 Berlin

DOG social evening*
Tipi at the Chancellery

followed by: DOG-Clubbing*
Tipi at the Chancellery

DOG-Lounge DOG-Farewell
Hall 1, DOG Lounge

*Tickets available at the registration counter subject to availability

More information about the events and the shuttle buses will follow soon.